Information in english
Good work in temporary agency work
IG Metall is there for you
Temporary agency work is widespread in IG Metall's sectors. And often agency workers are treated like second-class workers. This is disrespectful and unacceptable. Many agency workers are fighting back against this injustice and finding support from their union, IG Metall. We are fighting together to make agency work fairer and more equitable. We want you to be treated properly and respectfully in the workplace!
More than 100,000 agency workers have already joined IG Metall. They know that they can only achieve improvements through a strong union. If you want to help shape your working conditions or are dissatisfied with conditions in your company, come and join IG Metall.
You have rights!
Dear colleague,
do you earn less money than your permanent colleagues? Are you not working in your apprenticed profession? Have you ever been deregistered from a workplace? Was your assignment there terminated and you were directly dismissed? Many agency workers have already experienced this. But it doesn't have to be like that: temporary agency workers have rights!
But what if there are problems with your employer? Temporary agency workers are entitled to go to the works council of both the company hiring them out and the company they are working for and ask for advice or support. And the IG Metall trade union will of course help if you are a member.
What is temporary agency work?
Normally, your employment relationship is directly with the company where you work. A temporary employment agency relationship, on the other hand, is a triangular relationship between a worker and two companies: a temporary employment agency and a user enterprise/employer. Temporary agency workers are employed and paid by the agency. However, the temporary employment agency places them at the disposal of the user company for a certain period of time. The workers then work there.
This is what trade unions do in Germany
Trade unions fight for fairer pay, better working conditions and more co-determination. To this end, they conclude collective agreements with employers, which must be honoured. But they also represent the individual interests of a member in matters of labour and social law.
In Germany, trade unions are organised by sectors, not by political affiliations. You join the union that is responsible for your sector. IG Metall represents workers in the following sectors: Metal and electrical industry, vehicle construction, steel industry, wood and plastics, textile industry, skilled trades, industry-related services, contract logistics and the IT industry. If you are a temporary agency worker in one of these sectors, IG Metall is the right place for you.
This is what works councils (Betriebsräte) do in Germany
Works councils are elected by the entire workforce in a company and stand up for the interests of workers at the company level. Most works councils in Germany work closely with the trade union responsible for the industry. Works councils and trade unions have different tasks: In Germany, the basic conditions such as pay, working hours or the amount of holidays are determined in collective agreements. Only trade unions are allowed to negotiate these agreements with the employer. Works councils are responsible for their implementation in the workplace and monitor compliance with collective agreements.
Collective agreements and collective bargaining coverage
Different employers often have different collective agreements. There are also employers who are not covered by a collective agreement. They are then considered not to be covered by collective agreements. Whether employees are entitled to certain benefits under collective agreements therefore depends on whether and how the employer is bound by collective agreements.
This is what IG Metall has achieved!
IG Metall has already achieved many improvements in temporary agency work through its collective agreements. For example, there are regular increases in monthly pay and industry bonuses under collective agreements. These allow workers in temporary employment to receive a supplement to their pay depending on the length of time they work in a company. In addition, they receive a special payment twice a year: a holiday bonus and a Christmas bonus. And best of all, IG Metall members receive an additional payment, the member benefit for temporary agency work.
Member benefit for temporary agency work
To receive the extra payment, members must apply to their agency between 19 May and 30 June and between 19 October and 30 November. All those who have been members for at least six months and employed by their agency for at least six months on 30 June or 30 November are entitled to the extra payment. More information at
Become an IG Metall member now and secure for yourself:
- Active support in the workplace from IG Metall works councils.
- Competent help at one of 148 local IG Metall branch offices - nationwide.
- Comprehensive information material for agency workers.
- Review of your employment contract, your classification and your pay slip.
- Competent advice on labour and social law.
- Free legal protection in labour and social law disputes.
How to become an IG Metall member
You can easily become a member online or by sending a printed membership application in your language:
For the latest information and more, visit
Guide for temporary agency workers
Or get the guide for temporary agency workers. This guide provides information and advice on your employment contract, your earnings, your working conditions and much more. It is your reliable companion in agency work. You can get it in print from your IG Metall trade union or online at
How to reach us
For all matters concerning temporary agency work, you can reach us at one of our 148 offices near you. You can find the contact details of your branch office at
We have set up a free advice line especially for our members in agency work, the agency work hotline. The hotline is available at
0800 4463488
and provides advice at the following times
Monday to Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and
Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Calls from a landline are free of charge. Calls from the mobile network may incur charges of a maximum of 42 cents/min. Confidentiality is a matter of course for us.
Or write to us using our contact form or by e-mail:
Weitere Informationen
- (Unterstützung von Beschäftigten aus Mittel- und Osteuropa)
- (Unterstützung von Beschäftigten mit Herkunft außerhalb der EU)